The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 397 of 728

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These lost beings are completely unaware that one can better serve one's family by becoming a devotee of the Lord. The latter in fact grants special protection to the descendants and members of the family of his holy servant, even if they are atheists. Such is the goodness of the Lord that He grants all protection to the members of the family of his devotees, so that the holy servant does not have to worry about his family interests, even if he sometimes has to neglect some of his relatives to be able to engage in devotional service.

Logos 82

Beyond the confines of material creation, which we compare to a cloud in the spiritual sky, is the spiritual world, populated by innumerable spiritual planets called Vaiku??has. The Supreme Lord rules over each of them.

All the beings who inhabit them are liberated souls endowed with spiritual bodies enjoying the same virtues as the Lord. There, no material contamination. Everything is spiritual there, and therefore there is nothing to lament about. Everywhere, spiritual and absolute bliss, without birth, illness, old age or death.

Among all the spiritual planets there is one, supreme, by the name of Goloka Vi?ndavana, which is the abode of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and his intimate companions.

When a great servant of God leaves this material world, there is no reason to mourn, for he is destined to enter the kingdom of God.

Logos 83

The intelligent man should recognize in the Lord the original source of all energy and praise him for the graces he confers on him. The mere fact of accepting the Lord as the supreme beneficiary of all things, what He truly is, makes it possible to reach the heights of perfection.

Whatever his position within a given social regime, one who strives to exchange a feeling of love with the Supreme Person, God, and sees himself appeased by his blessings, immediately feels the greater inner peace, that which he coveted during countless successive existences. This inner peace, which corresponds to the healthy




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