The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 392 of 728

The holy being is always under the protection of the Lord, and in all circumstances, in success as in failure, the Lord continues to act as his supreme guide. So the pure servant of God accepts all conditions, even adverse ones, as a blessing from the Lord.

Logos 73

Whoever wishes to become a companion of the Supreme Lord on one of the countless planets that populate the spiritual world, and more especially on Goloka V?ndavana, the own planet of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, must constantly meditate on the fact that it is distinguished from material energy, that it has no relation with it, and that it must realize its purely spiritual identity, of spiritual entity or spiritual soul, qualitatively equal to the Supreme Soul, the Spirit Holy. The realized soul then feels truly free.

This feeling of freedom in front of any material relationship as well as the liberation of the envelopes of dense and ethereal matter, which cover the being leaves him free to act as the servant of the Lord even while he still lives in this world. This level of perfection is called the liberated state within the material universe. This is the way to end material existence. Not that we should just know that we are a spiritual being, but we must also act like one. Whoever simply claims to be spiritual is an impersonalist, when he who acts as such is qualified as a pure soul

The Lord teaches that only those who have performed acts of virtue in their past lives, and who thereby have been freed from all faults, can focus their attention on the Supreme Lord, God.

Logos 74

The Lord teaches that only those who have performed acts of virtue in their past lives, and who have thus been freed from all faults, can focus their attention on the Supreme Lord, God. When one acquires absolute knowledge, one can benefit from the constant companionship of the Lord in this very life, through the simple activities of listening, singing, remembering and worshiping the Supreme Lord.

The Lord teaches that the simple chanting of His Holy Names has the power to remove the impurities which cover the pure conscience, which has the effect of immediately freeing us from all material conditions. Releasing yourself from the grip of matter means liberating the soul. By the grace of the Lord, the pure soul is thus




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