The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 371 of 728

secularism and irreligion to religious dogmas. Violence and wars because of the darkness of the hearts of men will be common currency.

God will then come like the Messiah, to annihilate all atheistic demonic beings, protect his devotees and restore religion. Then will begin a new era under the sign of the Eternal Supreme and virtue. Men will live happily, in harmony and in peace.

Please go to my website: and check page 73 of the book “The Divine messages”.

Logos 33

By establishing a loving spiritual relationship with the Supreme Lord through our total surrender to His Divine Person, we are freed from the suffering inflicted by the laws of material nature.

Those who offer all their works to God, who act only for him and who see all things in relation to the Lord, all their acts are absolute. God being the center of their activities, the latter, although being material, are saturated with spiritual power. This is the benefit obtained by all who serve God with love and devotion. In fulfilling our daily duty for the pleasure of the Lord, all our actions are thus imprinted with the thought of God, which represents the highest form of meditation leading to spiritual realization. God, the Sovereign Lord, the Supreme Person, the Lord of the universe, is the absolute truth. He is perfect, complete knowledge, the original source of all that exists, total bliss and the essence of eternal life. It is absolute and unlimited. He is love, kindness, kindness, personified. Calm, peaceful, he is never affected by anger in any form. He is the source and the reservoir of blessings. Let's enjoy loving it.

Logos 34

No authority has the right to seize the legitimate property of others, because everything will be taken from them.

Blessed are those who reject materialism, who renounce power, wealth and material goods which in this world are fleeting and who give everything they have to God, because they really lose nothing. On the contrary, the Lord will fulfill them beyond their expectations. It is by sacrificing one's vast material possessions for the benefit of the soul that one can qualify to gain access to the kingdom of God, and thereby attain




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