The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 370 of 728

Logos 31

In truth, the spiritual soul is at the origin of the existence of the material body of dense matter and it is also, as an active force, which gives it life.

When the carnal envelope is finally destroyed at death, the spark of life, the soul, continues to exist. Two ways open to it. Either because of her selfless acts she will have to reincarnate in a body related to her desires and thoughts, or because of her holiness and the service she offers to the Lord, she will return to the kingdom of God. Thus, by the will of the Lord who watches over the good of all beings, the individual soul distinct from God is immediately granted the particular spiritual body which will allow him to taste his divine company according to one or the other of the perfections that 'she will have reached. The one that allows you to have the same bodily features as the Lord, the one that allows you to live on the same planet as the Lord, the one that allows you to enjoy the same opulence as the Lord and the one that allows you to live near the Lord, in his divine company.

The Lord's benevolence is such that even if a virtuous being does not reach a stage of pure devotion free from material defilement, it will be granted to him to attain it in his next life. By being reborn in a wealthy family or among devotees of the Lord. He will not have to engage in the hard struggle for material existence, and will thus be able to complete his purification. When he finally leaves his body, he will immediately return to the kingdom of God, his original home. When he reaches the spiritual level, the servant (or servant) of God then remains there eternally.

Logos 32

The Messiah will not come now, but when mankind no longer speaks of God, even in the homes of so-called wise men and respectable men of the upper classes of society.

When power is passed into the hands of iniquitous, vain and unscrupulous heads of state, devoid of intelligence and real education, and governments made up of ministers from the lowest strata of society, or even more vile , uncultivated and atheists, when men have forgotten everything from the authentic scriptures, the original scriptures “The true gospel”, and they will make violence their daily life, then the Lord will appear as the Master of punishment. These fatal symptoms will mark the last phase of our age, that of discord, quarrels, hypocrisy and sin, in which all human beings will be marked by atheism. All men will reject God, preferring atheism,




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