The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 325 of 728

the one who has embraced the order of renunciation. A holy man who indulges in the pleasures of the flesh, that is the vilest religious downfall. Anyone who experiences such a mistake can only be saved if he has the fortune to meet a pure being.

When Lord Krishna leaves a galaxy once his divine mission is completed, it is to appear immediately in another.

The appearance and disappearance of Lord Krishna is similar to that of the sun. The Lord appears and disappears in countless galaxies, and when He is present in a particular galaxy, it is bathed in spiritual light, while another, which He has just left, is then plunged again into the darkness. However, this entertainment takes place forever. Indeed, the Lord is always present in one or the other of the innumerable galaxies, just as the sun is always traversing one of the two hemispheres, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west.

Just as the sun appears in the morning and gradually rises to the meridian and then sets even as it rises in another hemisphere, the disappearance of Krishna in one galaxy corresponds to the beginning of his many diversions in another. To be more precise, as soon as entertainment ends on earth, it begins to manifest itself elsewhere. And that’s how his eternal entertainment continues unabated. We know that the sun rises once every twenty-four hours; similarly, the entertainment of Krishna becomes visible in a given galaxy once every day of Brahma; and today the Lord teaches us that it lasts four billion three hundred and twenty million (4,320,000,000) solar years. But wherever the Lord is, all of his wonderful entertainment takes place at regular intervals.

As the sun sets, the snakes gain power, the thieves feel more courage and the specters become active, but the lotuses wither and the cakravaki birds lament. Likewise, when Lord Krishna disappears, atheists feel invigorated but the holy beings are saddened.

Austerity, penance and repentance make it possible to purify the being from the consequences of its faults and sins.

There are two kinds of activities: pious and ungodly.

By performing virtuous acts, man obtains the power to experience high material pleasures, while ungodly acts condemn him to endure terrible suffering. However, a




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