The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 319 of 728

can be released and return to God, in his original home located in the kingdom of the Supreme Lord.

Anyone who wants to progress in the spiritual life must master his mind and his senses.

Even one who has renounced the world to adopt the order of renouncing material life should not renounce chanting the holy Names of the Lord “Haré Krishna”. Renunciation does not imply rejecting the song of the Lord’s holy Names. Likewise, we should not give up charity or penance. Yoga practices aimed at mastering the mind and the senses must be strictly observed.

By its very nature, the mind is very unstable, and no one should befriend him. If you trust him, you risk being cheated at any time. The first duty of anyone who wishes to progress in the spiritual life is to become master of the mind and the senses. Although individual beings distinct from God, spiritual souls, are an integral part of the Supreme Lord and therefore are purely spiritual, they do not suffer less in this world, struggling against the vicissitudes of existence, because of the mind and senses. In order to escape this illusory struggle for existence and for happiness in this world, one must dominate the mind and the senses, and detach oneself from material conditions. At no time should we neglect the practice of austerity and penance, we must always apply it. If the spiritualist leaves the field open to his mind and does not control it, it will bow before enemies like concupiscence, anger and greed, which will not fail to destroy it.

The uncontrolled mind, with its procession of lust, anger, greed, madness, envy and illusion, can undoubtedly destroy the spiritualist. The latter, in fact, once dominated by his mind, falls back to the material level. So you have to be very careful with the mind. The mind is at the origin of lust, anger, pride, greed, affliction, delusion and fear; all these tendencies combine to enslave the being with the interested action. The mind is the original cause of subjugation to matter, and many of our enemies accompany it, such as anger, pride, greed, affliction, illusion and fear. The best way to always remain in control of the mind is to absorb it into Krishna consciousness. And since the bad tendencies which escort the mind chain us to the matter, we should be very careful not to put our trust in it, because it is both our best friend and our worst enemy.





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