The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 316 of 728

3) Keep him present at his memory,

4) serve his lotus feet,

5) worship him,

6) Send prayers to him,

7) to comply with his commandments,

8) befriend Him, and

9) surrender fully to Him; represents a step forward on the path of liberation from the material universe, of return to God.

This is the respectful way of looking at Lord Krishna.

When we are before the Supreme Lord, Krishna, we must first look at his lotus-like feet, then gradually raise his gaze from his legs to his waist, to his chest and, finally, to his face. One should not try to contemplate the face of the Lord without first being familiar with the vision of his lotus feet.

This is how to modify and master the action of the mind.

The syllable Om formed from the three absolute letters [A-U-M], is the sound form of Lord krishna, the key and the first germ of spiritual realization.

The Lord said, “I am the syllable om, the supreme covenant of letters.”

This means that the syllable Om is identical to Krishna.

The syllable Om allows us to control our mind. For that, we must settle down comfortably, bring our thoughts back to the three absolute letters [A-U-M] and, by regulating our breathing, control our mind so as not to forget this spiritual key. The syllable formed of the three absolute letters, A, U and M, forms the key, the first germ of spiritual realization. Mentally reciting it, while regulating one’s spiritual “technical” breathing, conceived and practiced by great spiritualists, thanks to which one reaches a state of deep meditation, allows one to master a mind dominated by matter. So we can change the habits of the mind, because it is not about “killing” it. Indeed, mental activity and desire cannot be curbed, but it is however possible to cultivate the desire to act with a view to spiritual realization, and for that, it is necessary to transform the very nature of what makes the object of thought. Since




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