The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 314 of 728

God makes it possible to satisfy all these desires. Heavenly beings can only grant blessings with the consent of God, the Supreme Person. In fact, celestial beings cannot grant the least blessing without the consent of the Supreme Lord. Also, if we have desires that fall within the framework of religion, prosperity, satisfaction of the senses or liberation, we must address ourselves to God, the Supreme Person, offer Him prayers and solicit the satisfaction of our desires to his Divine Person. That's what real intelligence is. An intelligent man never turns to celestial beings to get anything; he turns directly to God, the Supreme Person, who is the source of all blessings.

True religion does not consist in celebrating ritual ceremonies, but rather in surrendering oneself to the Lord. For one who is truly subject to the Lord, there can be no question of any other effort, distinct from this path, for material prosperity. A holy being who serves the Lord has no disappointment in the satisfaction of his senses. If he has a desire to fulfill, Krishna, god, the Supreme Person, fulfills it. As for liberation, every holy being who consecrates himself fully to the service of the Lord is already liberated. It is therefore unnecessary to take any other route to obtain release. Let us seek refuge in Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and let us serve Him with love and devotion, this will help us to satisfy our desires. In truth, the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord is the only way. In other words, even if one is full of material desires, one can continue to serve the Lord with devotion, and all our desires will be fulfilled.

Lord Krishna is the refuge and protector of all submissive souls.

In the material universe, in contrast to the absolute realm, there is duality. Indeed, it rests on both the material and the spiritual, while the absolute kingdom is purely spiritual, without there being any trace of material influence. In one, everyone strives, driven by illusion, to take control of the world; in the other, the Lord is unanimously recognized as the Supreme Master, and all act as his absolute servants. So everyone in the world of dualities is envious of others; finally, death is inevitable, since the spiritual lives there surrounded by matter.

The Lord is the only refuge for the submissive soul wishing to be freed from dual existence and the fear that accompanies it. And in fact, no one in the material universe can escape the cruel hands of death unless he abandons himself to the Lord. The Lord is equal to all beings, but his devotee, to always live in contact with the infinitely great, God, obtains more glory. the Lord distributes his mercy in equal shares to all beings, but the entire holy beings dedicated to his service fully enjoy it. The Lord always shows himself equal towards all beings. Nevertheless, He shows




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