The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 310 of 728

There exists, by the effect of the supreme will, a rigorous law governing the struggle to survive, and no one, whatever project he forms can escape it, because beings who, against the will of l 'Being Supreme abound in the material universe, are subject to the sovereign power of the energy of illusion, mandated by the Lord to harass conditioned souls by means of the three forms of material suffering. One of these sufferings is that each being must serve as food for a stronger. And no one is so powerful that he does not have to undergo the domination of a more powerful, because the Lord wanted that the beings are divided so that each always has weaker than him, but also more strong. Thus, when a tiger devours an animal of lesser strength, be it a man, he cannot incur any reproach, since his act falls within the framework of divine law. But man has a special status: although the law of the strongest is still applicable, and that he must subsist at the expense of inferior beings, he can, and must, use common sense, and respond to his nature particular by obeying the scriptural precepts, which other beings do not have access to. Thus, destined to undertake the work of spiritual realization, man should not eat anything that was not first offered to the Lord. He accepts from his devotee various dishes based on vegetables, fruits, leaves, cereals and milk, after which the saint can share the reliefs of the offering, called sanctified meal; thus the sufferings linked to the struggle for existence are gradually alleviated.

God says: “Let me be offered with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, this offering I will accept it”

Even those who eat the flesh of animals can offer their food, not directly to the Lord, but to one of his agents, and under certain ritual and religious conditions. However, the scriptures never encourage the consumption of meat food, but rather aim to restrict it according to certain regulatory principles. The original holy scriptures also called “The true gospel”, say that all action must be performed according to regulatory principles. They give instructions concerning the sacrifices of animals, like the goat or the buffalo, in front of the goddess Kali. Even today, many sacrifices are made around the world without taking into account the sacred scriptures. In Calcutta, for example, there was a recent advertisement for a slaughterhouse saying it was a temple of the goddess Kali. In their stupidity, those who eat meat and buy their food in these kinds of shops, think that this is the meal sanctified in honor of the goddess Kali, and that this food differs from ordinary meat. Certainly the scriptures mention a sacrifice in which a goat or similar animal is slain before the goddess Kali, but it is for the sole purpose of preventing people from eating butcher's meat and thus become responsible for the killing of the animal whose flesh they will consume. The soul




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