The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 27 of 728

The Phantom of the situation is particularly miserable and painful because many feel that he desires, the disembodied soul is no longer able to meet through a physical body. Therefore, and this is well known, ghosts wail and lament. The famous cry of the ghost "ouou ..", which is often attributed to the will of the ghost to scare the "living", is actually rather a moan, a complaint. It do not moan comes from the fertile imagination of a novelist, a storyteller or a cartoonist but is indeed real. It is the expression of suffering that a soul can feel when deprived of carnal envelope that reflects the popular expression "wandering like a lost soul ."

The risk of becoming a ghost is not limited only to suicide but any sudden and violent death as murder but also those resulting from fire, drowning, accidents, etc ....

Without spirituality society is suicidal

When one refers to suicide is the suicide of the body in question, but there is another form of suicide. This is spiritual suicide. In the age of Kali , the age in which we live, ignorance and atheism (a manifestation of ignorance) predominates, and it often ignores the existence of the soul spiritual. And even if one knows about, it is still considered a very abstract and superficially, as a remnant of a past religious belief. Thus, most of the representatives of the intelligentsia of modern societies, philosophers, professors, writers and teachers, downright ignore or deny its existence, and therefore know they transmit is incomplete and generates dissatisfaction.

They do not recognize the revealed scriptures such as the Vedic scriptures , a surefire way to gain knowledge, yet, in the Bhagavad-gita, the actual nature of man and living beings, is revealed by Krishna. Its nature is spiritual and not material. It has a soul, or more accurately, it is a soul, and it is embodied in a material body. Spiritual suicide is terrible, because it forces the spiritual entity or the spiritual soul to suffer in a demonic body for many, many lives.

Change the body, the maya reflections (material nature)

The moon shines in the sky, unique and imperturbable, but when it reflects off water or an oil slick, it seems to take many forms because of the oscillations of the liquid caused by the wind. Similarly, the soul is the eternal servant of Krsna, the Supreme Being; but when in contact with the gunas (attributes of material nature) it takes on different bodies - sometimes deva body (inhabitants of the heavenly planets and




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