The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 193 of 728

Becoming conscious of Krishna, or spiritually enlightened, and engaging in His service of absolute love, these are the true signs of liberation.

The liberation of conditioned souls, prisoners of coarse (dense material) and subtle (ethereal) envelopes formed by the material body. Once freed from all material defilement, the soul, abandoning its bodies of coarse and subtle matter, can reach the spiritual world in its original spiritual body, and there in Vaiku??haloka or K???aloka, become absorbed in the transcendental service of love offered to the Lord. It is when the soul is thus in its natural, original and eternal position that it is called liberated. It is possible to access the transcendental love service offered to the Lord, and thus become a liberated soul, even in the material body. It corresponds to the permanent form of the individual being, when it puts an end to its transmigrations in various bodily forms, of coarse and ethereal matter, all ephemeral.

There are two kinds of individual beings, distinct from God. The eternally liberated beings are the most numerous, while the others, the souls forever incarnated and conditioned, are inclined to want to subjugate the material nature. So material cosmic creation is designed for these eternally conditioned souls for two reasons: first, they can satisfy their tendency to reign supreme over the cosmic manifestation, and they are also granted the opportunity. to return to God.

After the dissolution of the cosmic manifestation, most conditioned souls melt into the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, plunged into a mystical sleep, and they will be manifested again in the next creation. Some, however, who have obeyed the transcendent sound of revealed scriptures and who have thus qualified to return to God, will recover their original spiritual body after leaving their material envelopes, coarse and ethereal.

The forgetfulness of the relation which unites distinct beings to God is at the origin of the bodies of matter which they must assume; but in his infinite mercy, the Lord, through various avatars, gave birth to the revealed scriptures to help those souls conditioned to return to their original position on the occasion of the cosmic manifestation. Reading or listening to these spiritual writings will help the separate being to attain liberation even while in the conditioned state. All the Vedic texts, the original scriptures, converge towards the devotional service offered to God, the Supreme Person, and the one who establishes himself in this conviction is liberated from the very beginning of the conditioned existence. The material forms, coarse and ethereal, are due only to the ignorance of the conditioned soul, and as soon as the being abandons himself to the service of love of the Lord, he obtains at once to be freed from this enslavement.





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