The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 171 of 728

beneficial for those who commit very serious offenses to find death by the grace of the Lord.

Why does God allow the existence of good, evil and suffering?

In reality, good and evil do not exist. In fact, the notion of good and evil is related to matter, and results from the bodily concept of existence.

In this vision, the good consists in respecting and applying the precepts of God, the regulating or forbidden principles, the divine commandments, the divine laws, the divine instructions, to believe in his divine word, in his teaching, to obey him, to do his will, to unite our interests with his people, to renew the bond which unites us to Him, to abandon ourselves to Him and to serve Him with love and devotion.

Evil is envying God, believing ourselves to be identical with Him or taking us for Him. It is to deny it, to refuse to serve it, to pretend that it does not exist, and therefore to reject its word, its teaching, its commandments, its laws, not to wish to obey it and therefore to reject its authority. It is ultimately, doing the opposite of good.

Absolute good is to offer our life, our existence, all our acts, our desires, our interests to God. It is based on the principle that everything belongs to Him, and therefore all use only for the satisfaction of krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Absolute good is none other than God Himself, and characterizes it.

If Krishna, God, the Supreme Person allows good and evil to exist on all the planets of the material cosmos, it is to allow living beings to learn to obey Him, and to act justly for the well-being of all by avoiding hurting others and knowing that any act produces effects with various consequences, good or bad, each of which will have to report and to undergo a sanction at the end of the present life already, and certainly in his next life.

In creating suffering, God desires that the human being through the suffering felt and generally undergoes in his next life, he erases the guilty act committed in his past life, become aware of the pain that results, to do penance, act of repentance, turn to God, and resolve to never again begin, to change better, and never again to hurt anyone, human beings, animals and plants.

In truth, it is useless to rejoice beyond measure the advantages that providence offers us, as to lament to the excess of the disadvantages obtained. Our situation in this material world, even if it is supposedly favorable, is in fact always unfavorable.




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