The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 175 of 728

We must not harm anyone, be it a human being, an animal or a plant.

At the beginning of existence on earth, God had ordered human beings to watch over all animals (from elephant to ant) ??as well as all plants, (from tree to blade of grass) from take care and protect them.

God says, "It is the memories, thoughts, and desires at the moment of death that determine what your next life will be."

Divine laws prevail over human laws. In all the material cosmos, the laws of God are authoritative. Also, whatever the thoughts, the words and the actions emitted by a human being, under the law of cause and effect, will provoke positive or negative effects which he will have to undergo the consequences in his future life, and the body that he will receive according to his temperament, his character, his belief in God or not, and his karma. Each of us is, in truth, a spiritual soul embodied in a human, animal or plant body. We are "a soul" and not the body of matter.

That's why God commanded, "You will not kill"

Not to kill is not to interrupt an existence, human, animal or vegetable, by forcing against his will, his real interests and his desires, a soul out of the body that God gave him. Whether the soul is embodied in a plant or animal body, it follows an evolutionary path that will lead to the granting of a human body. We have all followed this evolutionary path, even though we have no memory of it. It is only to the soul incarnated in a human body that God offers the rare opportunity to know Him as He is and to return to His eternal Kingdom. The human body is rarely obtained, so let's not waste that chance that God offers us by mercy.

Those who interrupt a life, human, animal or plant life, will be punished by divine justice receiving severe punishment and suffering similar to the acts committed in their future life.

Let us love one another, but let us love all animals and all plants, protect them.

All living species, men, animals and plants, are created together, together with material nature and the material universe.

The Supreme Lord says, "The whole material universe is under My command. By My will, it is always manifested again, and it is always by it that at the end it is annihilated".





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