The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 166 of 728

Ignorance of the data relating to God and the truth concerning the true identity of the living being and existence, leads to atheism, and atheism to crime, blindness and darkness.

Whoever is not aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person must be considered a thief. Even if he has reached a high level of material advancement, a criminal can not be in a comfortable position. A thief is always a thief, and he deserves to be punished. Since people are deprived of God's conscience, they have become thieves; that is why they are punished by the laws of material nature and no one can go against this state of affairs, even by resorting to the good offices of various public aid agencies and humanitarian works. If the inhabitants of the Earth do not adopt the Krishna consciousness, they will experience scarcity and much suffering.

Suicide is a guilty, reprehensible act that must never be committed. Suicide means that one kills one's body before term. A particular body has been granted to us to enjoy and suffer a given time, and all this in accordance with our interested activities committed in the past or our previous life.

The Lord says, "You have dedicated your life and body to My service. Your body does not belong to you, and you have no right to suppress it. I have many services to accomplish through you.

The Supreme Lord's disapproval of suicide seems obvious, and so the person who commits suicide runs great risks. Two situations present themselves to the suicide; on the one hand that of finding a body and thus to note that its next life will be prolonged and the suffering maintained, and on the other hand, that to be deprived of dense matter body for a certain time and having to wander, clueless in a ghost body or an ethereal body.

The situation of the ghost is particularly miserable and painful, because although it feels many desires, the disembodied soul no longer has the possibility of satisfying them through a carnal body. That's why ghosts moan and lament. In reality, the groans of the ghost are complaints, calls for help. Here we have the expression of the suffering that a soul deprived of a carnal envelope can feel. The risk of becoming a ghost is not limited only to the suicide, but to any violent and sudden death such a murder, but also those resulting from a fire, a drowning, an accident, etc .... Thus, the danger of sinking into an infernal condition after death is indeed real, so we must fight suicide and spiritual wandering.





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