Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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eternal life. The glorification of the sublime deeds of Lord Krishna is precisely the prescribed spiritual remedy to neutralize the evils of birth, sickness, old age and death, which fall upon all beings conditioned by matter. Access to such a level of perfection is identified with the purpose of human life, and the attainment of spiritual bliss.

In truth, the human form granted to the soul which has incarnated therein is It is not made for the pleasure of the senses, but to achieve spiritual realization. The true nature of a human being is purely spiritual, and spiritual upliftment is a vital need for him. The human form is made to realize these essential truths, and to act on them. True progress is that which makes it possible to re-establish the relationship that once united us with God.

Perfect spiritual realization is the state of pure consciousness in which one recognizes oneself as being the eternal servant or the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, Krishna. It is in this service of absolute love for the Lord that we find our original position.

To reach the state of holiness we must surrender ourselves to God and take pleasure in serving him with love and devotion. The service of love and devotion is the manifestation of love for God. We must cultivate this sublime love for God throughout our life, rejecting anything that can hinder our spiritual elevation, our spiritual realization, such as material pleasures, wanting to merge into the Absolute to become one. with him, or to pursue several other desires which fall under religion, increase in wealth, pleasure of the senses and liberation, salvation, in the form of self-interested calculation. We must also avoid breaking divine laws, devote ourselves to unnecessary activities that do not lead to God, take part in the slaughter or slaughter of animals, and seek material gain, fame and prestige.

Let us be careful, let us be on our guard, always take care from the start to avoid them, and our love for God will grow, healthy and uninterrupted. Thus tasting the love for God, the holy beings will truly live with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in their present life already, and they will be able to see it at every moment.

The highest perfection of existence is to benefit of the presence of the Lord at every moment of his life, and he or she who tastes such happiness does not aspire to any of the ephemeral pleasures offered by the material universe.




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