Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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The virtuous being is naturally non-violent, compassionate and benevolent towards all living beings.

Being Mindful of the lives of all living things, when the virtuous holy being walks the path, he always looks ahead to make sure that he is not going to run over any tiny insect or even an ant that he meets.

Whatever the circumstances of time and place, even when he finds himself in difficult conditions, a holy being never forgets that he must have a benefactor activity towards all the beings he meets, because they all belong to the same divine source, God. He can never forget that his duty is to be careful not to kill even an ant. Indeed, a devotee or a devotee of God, should never be malicious or unnecessarily violent. Lots of insects cross the path we take, so watch our steps by constantly looking a meter in front of us, and when there are no ants or any other insects in our path, then put our second foot on the ground

The heart of a saint, a devotee or a devotee of God, always overflows with kindness towards all living beings, all human beings without exception, all crawling, flying, terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants in their diversity.

Living beings take on different bodily forms. However, materialistic unbelievers consider that only human beings are worthy of their compassion, and again only those who have the same color of skin as them, while Krishna, god, the Supreme Person Himself declares to be the Supreme Father of all beings whatever they are. Consequently, the holy being is careful not to destroy any form of life prematurely, unnecessarily, or even inadvertently.

In truth, each being must spend a certain time imprisoned in a particular material body, and he must reach the end of this time before evolving into another form of body. The fact of killing an animal or any other living being puts an obstacle in its path by preventing it from completing its period of imprisonment in a given body.

As a result, no living being should be killed for his own pleasure, under pain of being responsible for a sinful activity, and thus of being severely punished by divine justice.

Those who desire to attain the total perfection of existence should lend a submissive ear to words pertaining to the entertainment and the spiritual and absolute attributes of the Supreme Lord, who always acts in a wonderful way.

Systematic listening to the sublime entertainments, attributes and Names of Lord Krishna leads to eternal life. Systematic listening involves a deeper and deeper knowledge of one's Divine Person, which in turn leads to an evolution towards




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