Getting To Know God
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source of all Avatars. His splendor is limitless. There is no difference between his original body and his Soul, because they are only ONE. The Lord's body of light radiates like gold, for it emanates a radiance that unfolds to infinity, and hides its Divine Person from non-devotees. Who wants to see the beautiful face of Krishna, God, and admire his magnificent transcendental body, must cross this radiant radiance.

Kṛiṣhṇa, God, the Supreme Person is Himself the Absolute Truth, the Unique Original Entity, the ultimate reality, one and indivisible.

It manifests itself under three aspects: The Supreme Person in his own personal form, primordial primordial and absolute, the Impersonal Supreme Being, and the Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit.

Krishna, the Divine Person, to whom the Impersonal Supreme Being and the Supreme Soul, emanation of this Absolute Being, make a procession, like a head of state who second his government and his ministers. In other words, the primordial Truth manifests itself in three different phases. The Absolute Truth, or the Supreme Lord, Krishna, is also known as the Impersonal Supreme Being and the Supreme Soul, but in truth these three aspects are essentially the same.

The Lord reveals himself to us.

The Lord Kṛiṣhṇa is Himself God, the original Supreme Person, sovereign cause of all causes. He is the original Lord, God, the source of all the Avatars and all the plenary emanations of his Person.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, says:

“I know everything about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future.”

“The total manifestation of the cosmos is an emanation of Me in My unmanifest form. All that exists is in Me, and in Me only, but I am not in all.”

“May you, through My mercy without cause, directly realize all that touches My Person, My true eternal Form, My Absolute Existence, My Color, My Acts and Attributes”.

“I am that Supreme Person, who was before creation, when there was nothing but Me, and the cause of creation, the material nature, was not yet manifested. I am also the One you see now, Me, the Supreme Person, and I am also the One who will subsist after the annihilation”.

“Know that the elements that make up the universe enter the cosmos while not entering it. Likewise, I exist in all that is created, and simultaneously, I am out of all things.




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