Getting To Know God
Page 91 of 176

The marvelous wonders of material nature are all rooted in God, who is the ultimate cause, the ultimate Cause of all causes.

The Lord descends to earth by his internal power, and through it again He departs from it. God's activities are always at the spiritual and absolute level, even when they take place in the material universe. These activities have the same value as his own Person. However, the Lord's Body and the Lord's Own Person form one and the same identity and when He manifests His activities they also participate, and in all respects, in this unique identity.

In truth, the form of the Lord being constantly absolute, is in no way comparable to that of a soul conditioned by material nature. The conditioned soul is forced to accept a particular type of body by the authorities charged with applying the material laws. When the Lord comes down to earth, He appears by His own internal power. Therefore, the Form of the Lord can never be material energy because it is spiritual, supreme and absolute.

For the sole purpose of showing all spiritualists the way of supernatural powers, Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person, performs all kinds of wonderful acts. In truth, He is none other than the Master of liberation, fully immersed in a spiritual bliss which is constantly increasing. He is the source of all energies, of all powers, of Him all emanates.

He is constantly immersed in absolute love, which has the effect of automatically conferring on Him all supernatural powers, such as the ability to travel in space at the speed of the mind, (No one can estimate the speed of thought because in an instant it can make it possible to cross millions, even billions and billions of kilometers) that of appearing and disappearing at will, of introducing oneself into the body of others and of seeing things very far away.

The Lord was sitting alone, immersed in his thoughts, the original source of knowledge, bliss and eternity, the refuge of all beings. His face and eyes expressed absolute serenity. He was sitting leaning against a young banyan tree, his lotus-like right foot resting on his left thigh, and although he had given up the comforts of home, He was happy, and his position a delight. Then, by his own inner power, He disappeared in the sight of all living things. The Supreme Lord, Krishna, the source of all virtue and beauty, has now closed his entertainment on earth.

One must be very intelligent to understand the Apparition and the Activities of the Lord as Avatar. In truth, the Apparition, the Disappearance and the Activities of the Lord are all transcendental. The Lord has nothing to do with material activities. Whoever understands the nature of the Apparition, Disappearance, and Acts of the Lord is immediately released. When he abandons his material body, he never has to put on any more, but returns to the spiritual world.




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