Getting To Know God
Page 90 of 176

Its appearance and its disappearance proceed simultaneously, and no one can definitively affirm where the one begins and where the other ends. These eternal entertainments have neither beginning nor end, and rather than waste our precious time in vain pursuits, we must learn the content from a pure sage, and from him alone.

From the moment that the Supreme Lord, Kṛiṣhṇa, left this world, Kali, the age of discord and quarrels, the dark age, which promotes all the principles of irreligion and atheism, appeared on earth. The Lord, His Holy Name, and His Attributes ... only one. Kali could not break into the land because of the presence of the Supreme Lord and if we make sure that the Holy Name and Attributes of the Sovereign Person are sung endlessly, Kali will have no opportunity to manifest himself where such activities are accomplished.

On nomme aussi l'âge de Kali, l’âge-noir, l'âge de la déchéance. Dans cet âge, vu la condition lamentable dans laquelle ont chuté les hommes, le Seigneur Suprême leur accorde une faveur particulière. On y devient coupable de péché que si la faute est commise en action. Dans les âges précédents, le simple fait de penser à une activité coupable en entraînait toutes les suites ou conséquences. Dans l'âge où nous vivons, cette règle est inversée et l'on obtient le résultat des actes de vertu rien qu'en pensant à ceux-ci.

Those who desire to attain the total perfection of existence must listen to the words that relate to the spiritual and absolute entertainment and attributes of the Supreme Lord, who always works wonderfully.

Systematic listening to the sublime entertainment, attributes and names of Kṛiṣhṇa, God, the Supreme Person, leads to eternal life. Systematic listening implies a deeper and deeper knowledge of one's Person, which in turn leads to an evolution towards eternal life.

The glorification of the sublime acts of God is precisely the remedy prescribed to neutralize the evils of birth, sickness, old age and death, which concern all beings conditioned by matter. Access to such a level of perfection is identified with the purpose of human life, and with spiritual bliss.

The Lord has disappeared at the sight of living beings, but He remains present in them all, for He resides in their hearts in His form of Supreme Soul, Holy Spirit.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead says: “What good would it be for you to know My innumerable energies and their various actions?

I enter the interior of material creation through My Plenary Emanation [the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit], the simple spark of My Person, and this, in all universes (galaxies) and in all the elements they contain; this is how I support the work of creation.”




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