Getting To Know God
Page 49 of 176

In truth, the Lord's entertainment never ceases, nor does the sun leave the firmament. The sun, in fact, always stays in its orbit, but it is sometimes visible and sometimes invisible to our limited eyes. In the same way, the entertainment of the Lord always takes place in one universe or another. When Krishna disappeared from the spiritual realm of Dvaraka, it was only a disappearance in the eyes of the people who were there at that moment. We must not make the mistake of judging the spiritual body of the Lord in every respect adapted to his entertainment in the world of mortals, as inferior in anything to his different manifestations on the Vaikunthalokas, the spiritual planets. In fact, the bodies that He manifests in the material universe are absolute, in the sense that His entertainment within the mortal world reveals greater mercy than He displays on the spiritual Vaikuntha planets. On the Vaikunthalokas (the spiritual planets), the Lord shows much mercy to the liberated souls, but during his entertainment in the world of mortals, He gives his grace even to fallen souls, forever conditioned. Moreover, the six seductions with which He adorn himself in the world of mortals by the play of his inner power are rare even on the Vaikunthalokas. All his entertainment is manifested not by material energy but by his spiritual energy. The excellence of her skilful dance at Vrindavana, and her married life with more than sixteen thousand women, even amazes Narayana in Vaikuntha, and even more so the beings of this world. These entertainments captivate even the avatars of the Lord such as Sri Rama, Nirsimha and Varaha. His excellence in all things is so superior that his entertainment receives the very worship of the Lord of Vaikuntha, who is no different from Krishna.

We must always think about Krishna's entertainment. Lord Krishna fulfills them in various forms, times and places for his own pleasure, but also always to grant a happy blessing to living beings by his Divine Presence and the knowledge he gives them in order to lead them to liberation. This is the Krishna consciousness or consciousness of God.

Krishna performs many of the activities described in the many Vedic scriptures, the original scriptures called “The True Gospel”, and you have to keep thinking of all these entertainments. This is the highest form of thought, the source of supreme ecstasy.

When Krishna appeared, Sri Visnu was also present. For it is only in order to reveal his entertainment of Virndavana, in order to seduce incarnated and conditioned souls, to favor them and to invite them to return to the true home, the spiritual realm, that Krishna appears. This is his personal mission.

As for the annihilation of the demonic beings, it took place at the same time as the entertainment of Virndavana, and was only the work of the emanation of Krishna known as Visnu.

Krishna reveals to us: “I am this Supreme Person, who was before the Creation, when there was nothing but Me, and the cause of the Creation, Material Nature, was not




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