Getting To Know God
Page 52 of 176

adorned with a necklace bearing kaustubha stone and dressed in yellow silk; a light emanates from Him as a dark but radiant cloud; on his head, a crown encrusted with the stone vaidurya; precious bracelets, earrings and many other jewels adorn his body everywhere, and his face is surrounded by abundant hair. This extraordinary aspect of the Child strikes with wonder Vasudeva. How can a newborn baby show these adornments?

Vasudeva then understands that Sri Krishna has appeared, and the event subjugates him. With humility, he is astonished: how can he, an ordinary being, conditioned by material nature and imprisoned by Kamsa, see Visnu, or Krishna, God the Supreme Personality of Godhead, omnipresent, appear childish, and with all his glory , under his roof?

Certainly, no child ever on this Earth has appeared with four arms, adorned with jewels and marvelous clothing, bearing all the signs of God, the Supreme Person. Again and again, Vasudeva poses on the child his eyes: how to properly celebrate this happy moment?

When Vasudeva had truly recognized the Supreme Person in the newborn child God, he bowed down to Him with joined hands and prayed. He was then brought to the spiritual level, where the fear he had of Kamsa dissipated entirely. Throughout the room where He appeared, the child Krishna spread the radiance that emanated from his divine body.

This was Vasudeva's prayer: “O dear Lord, I can understand what nature is your Person, you are God, the Sovereign Being, the Supreme Soul in everyone's heart, and the Absolute Truth. in your personal, eternal form, which we can see now, I understand that you have appeared for the sole purpose of freeing me from the fear of Kamsa, of which I was the victim, You do not belong to the universe material, and it is You who, with a simple look at the material nature, allows the existence of the cosmic manifestation”.

“O dear Lord, that you appear in Devaki's bosom is not surprising, because to put it in motion, you have appeared in the womb of creation, and now you have come into the breast of Devaki, you have entered into her bosom, but you remain none the less present everywhere, and even though you appear like a child in Devaki's womb, you continue to exist outside of him. dwell in your Kingdom, but you can simultaneously multiply into millions of shapes.”

God, the Supreme Person, therefore appeared in his original form of Krishna. The Lord chooses a father and a mother, Prsni and Sutapa, for the sole purpose of appearing in the material universe. Whenever the Lord descends into this world in human form, He requires for the perfection of this entertainment a father and a mother: He appointed Prsni and Sutapa to fulfill this role forever. They are now called Vasudeva and Devaki.




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