Getting To Know God
Page 47 of 176

The inconceivable powers of Krishna

Krishna is everywhere present, not only in this universe, or in the heart of every living being, but also within each atom.

By its inconceivable power, He supports all the planets, all the solar systems and all the galaxies in space and their orbit. He is the manifestation of time and death that carries everything. That's why He's called “The Mighty One”.

The excellence of Krishna's beauty

Delightfully fascinating is the form of Krishna when He appeared on this planet to deploy the game of his inner power. This form could not be more exquisite, He manifested it throughout his entertainment. Through his inner power, he showed his opulence, striking all beings with wonder. So great was Krishna's beauty that He needed no ornament to adorn His Body. In truth, its own beauty enhances its finery, which is why it is said of Him, that He is “infinitely fascinating”.

The flute of Krishna

The vibration emanating from this wonderful instrument has the power to break the meditation of the greatest sages. It is said that Krishna, thus spreading his absolute glories throughout the universe, challenged Cupid.

Krishna plays three kinds of flutes. The first is called come, the second murali and the third vamsi. The come is very short, it is hardly more than fifteen centimeters, and it is pierced with a game of six holes. The mural is about forty-five centimeters long, with a hole at the end and four others on the body of the flute. She has a most enchanting sound. The vamsi is thirty-seven to thirty-eight centimeters, and it is pierced with a nine-hole set. Krishna plays his flutes on various occasions. It also has a longer vamsi, which has mahananda name, or sanmohini; and another longer one, named akarsini. But the longest of all is the anandini. The latter greatly charms the shepherds, and is also known by the more technical name of vamsuli. These flutes are sometimes set with jewels, other times made of marble, and sometimes still formed of a hollow reed. When a flute is made of precious stones, it is a sanmohini, and an akarsini when it is shaped in gold.

By the sound of his flute He enchants all those who listen to him.




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