Getting To Know God
Page 18 of 176

God is the original source of all that is, the container and the contents of ANY, the cause of all causes, the original seed of all beings, and the essence of life.

It is the source and reservoir of love, kindness, happiness, blessings, all the qualities and all the pleasures.

It is the major key to spiritual liberation, purity, and the giver of knowledge and eternal life.

Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme person said:

“Before the creation of the cosmos, I only exist to the exclusion of any coarse phenomenon, subtle and causal. After creation, only I am in everything, and come the time of annihilation, only I remainforever.”

Lord Krishna is the ALL. Everything is energy, everything emanates from him, and nothing is so different from him. It manifests countless forms, the skin tone is sometimes white, sometimes red, yellow or color storm. For pleasure is manifested as spiritual masters, servants, various energies, avatars, and plenary expansions. Together, these six events are a single whole.

The universal body of the Lord is in truth the radiance of his original vital body, and the Supreme Soul or Spirit is only one of its plenary expansions, representing its localized nature. It is God Himself, Krishna, the Supreme Being, with six perfections. It is the absolute truth, no other truth surpasses nor even equal.

The Absolute Truth, God, has three main energies: the internal power, external and marginal. By the action of His internal potency, the Supreme Lord in His original form is to deploy the spiritual cosmic manifestation, formed planets, which, eternal, continue to exist even after the annihilation of the material cosmos. By His marginal power, He multiplies into countless individual beings, integral parts of His Person, as the sun sends its rays in all directions. And by His power, external, the Lord makes manifest the material creation. Thus, the material creation is only the distorted reflection of the eternal spiritual nature, that of the kingdom of the Lord.

This is the Supreme Lord in the form of the Supreme Soul, the plenary expansion, that everything belongs. It is everywhere, in the heart of every being, as well as within each atom. He goes into each planet, and by his energy, keeps them in their orbits. It penetrates everything. In it are found in their fullness, eternity, knowledge and bliss. He is the master of all conceivable and inconceivable powers, because it is the absolute ALL. He is a witness of past, present and future of all beings in the material and spiritual worlds. Lord Krishna knows the essence of all things.

Lord Krishna, the original Lord has unlimited power. The dazzling radiance that emanates from his original vital body, is its impersonal or universal form (the only form of God experienced by the monotheistic religions) undifferentiated, absolute,




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