Getting To Know God
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complete and infinite source of countless different planets that inhabit the millions universes, each with their own wealth.

The spiritual body of Krsna is all of eternity, knowledge and bliss. There forever, at all times and in all places; ie He lives every bit of time and space. It is bathed in knowledge. Krsna has nothing to learn from anyone: He has in himself all knowledge and remains the source of all pleasure. Impersonalists aspire to blend into the radiance of eternity and knowledge of the universal body of God, but they are well away from the larger share of bliss present in Krsna. One can, when one is free from the taint caused by the material illusion, false identification of self with the body, attachment, detachment and absorption in the material, know the spiritual satisfaction to blend into the radiance of the Lord. These are the preconditions for spiritual realization. be managed at this level must be filled with joy, but a joy that is not really; it would rather the feeling of being free of all anguish. Or, to be freed from anxiety may mark the first stage of happiness but we are certainly not find the perfect satisfaction. So that the one who realizes his spiritual identity, is preparing only to access the level of real happiness, that only gives a taste contact with Krsna. And perfect Krsna consciousness it contains in itself the spiritual pleasure that results from achieving impersonal to be spiritual, so that even the impersonalist will be fascinated by the personal aspect of Krsna in His primordial form.

The effulgence of the transcendental body of God, consists of rays emanating Corps Krsna; it represents nothing less than the manifestation of His power. And supports Krsna Himself, to be the source of this radiance. So we can conclude that the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth is not the ultimate end; but it is Krsna lies its perfect completion.

The holding of the true spiritual knowledge therefore try never, in their search for spiritual perfection, to blend into the radiance of the universal body of God, as do the believers of the monotheistic religions because they recognize in Krsna the final goal of the spiritual realization.

God, the Supreme Person, is perfect and complete, and His perfection is total. All that emanates from Him, as the phenomenal world, is also a complete whole in itself. Everything that comes from the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though countless units, complete also emanate from Him, He keeps His wholeness.

Understand that our imperfect senses are powerless to grasp the greatness of the Supreme Lord and that it is also impossible to contain within the time or our power to think. It transcends space, time and thought, and although He sometimes appears within them, it remains beyond the transcendental level. Even where space, time and thought just hide the divine nature of the Lord, His pure devotees know the recognize and distinguish his personal traits beyond these three sails. In other words, although




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