Getting To Know God
Page 14 of 176

Once this perfection attained, the embodied soul knows that nothing is more precious and will not deviate from the truth, but will remain there imperturbable, even in the midst of the worst difficulties.

Such is the true liberation from all suffering born from contact with matter.

The spiritualist whose mind is absorbed in God undoubtedly knows ultimate happiness. Having understood that he participates in the Absolute, in Krishna, he is already released. His mind is serene, his passions appeased. He is delivered from all sins.

Established in spiritual realization, purified from all defilements, the spiritualist benefits from a supreme happiness which comes from constant union with the Absolute.

The Lord reveals himself only to his devotees.

Lord Krishna said : among thousands of men, perhaps one will seek perfection, and among those who attain it, rare will he who knows Me in truth. Verily, no one knows Me as I am.

Truly, no one by his blunt material senses can know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person as He really is, for He only reveals Himself to His devotees, satisfied with the love and devotion they show Him in serving Him.

The Lord said: No matter what a great man does, the masses of people always walk on his traces, the whole world follows the standard which it sets by his example.

This very great Character is none other than Krishna Himself.

In truth, there is nothing that exists outside of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Nothing can exist without Lord Krishna either.

Of all things in this world, material and spiritual, Lord Krishna is the origin and the end. Everything rests on Him. He is the Complete and Absolute Whole. In Him dwells all that exists.

The whole world is one nation, and all human beings are one people. In truth, the whole cosmos is a vast kingdom, and Krishna, the Supreme Being, is the sovereign monarch.

Krishna is derived from the greek word Kristos, which derived itself from Christ. When in India the devotees invoke Krishna, they often pronounce his name Krista”, which in Sanskrit means attraction”. Whenever  we inovoke God through his names, Christ or Krishna krista, we still whorshiping the same Supreme Being, infinitely fascinating.




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