Getting To Know God
Page 161 of 176

Since Krishna saw before material creation exists, his body itself is not material. His faculties of thinking, feeling and acting all have a transcendental character. In other words, it must be concluded that the mind of the Lord, seat of his thoughts, feelings and will, is spiritual and absolute, and so are his eyes, whose eyes are on material nature. Since everything existed in him before the material creation, the Lord obviously possesses a perfectly spiritual and absolute body, senses and mind.

The Lord possesses an eternal, purely spiritual, conscious, and joyful body, and his spiritual energy is characterized by eternity, knowledge, and bliss.

By his ecstatic aspect, He is the source of the power of bliss. By his eternal aspect, He is the cause of all that exists. And by his conscious aspect, He embodies the supreme knowledge. The name “Krishna”, which means “infinitely fascinating”, refers to this sovereign knowledge. In other words, Krishna, the Supreme Person, is the reservoir of all knowledge, pleasure and eternity. Krishna's supreme knowledge manifests itself through three energies: the internal, the marginal and the external. Through his inner energy, He exists in Himself with His spiritual surroundings; through its marginal energy, it manifests itself in the form of living beings; and through its external energy, it manifests itself in the form of material energy. And the manifestation of each of these energies rests on a background of eternity, happiness and knowledge.

Krishna multiplies in the spiritual world through his power of bliss, and the manifestations of that power are all identical to Him in the Absolute. Lord Krishna always tastes the company of the emanations of his power of bliss, He is omnipresent. The Supreme Lord is the origin of the cosmic manifestation in its totality. It is He who maintains it, and when it is destroyed at the end of time, it is in Him that the elements return.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person always enjoys perfectly six excellences, eight spiritual attributes and eight kinds of perfections. The six excellences were enumerated as follows: no one surpasses Krishna in wealth, power, beauty, renown, knowledge, or renunciation.

As for his spiritual Attributes, the first is that the defilement of material existence never touches him, no guilty act can affect the Supreme Lord. Thus, although sometimes the acts of Krishna seem to lack virtue, it never gets stained. The second spiritual characteristic is that He never dies. He never knows forgetfulness; He can indeed remember any past action. So he never dies and never becomes old. Although his great-grandfather on the Kuruksetra battlefield, he was not an old man. Krishna can not be defiled by any culpable act, He does not die, never ages, is never subject to affliction, feels neither hunger nor thirst, All that He desires is perfectly just and legitimate; everything that He decides can not be changed by anyone. These are the spiritual and absolute attributes of Krishna.

It enjoys all the facilities that supernatural powers provide, such as the power to become smaller than the smallest, since it even penetrates the atom. Similarly, as




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