Getting To Know God
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borrows the forms of Brahma and Shiva, the incarnations of the attributes of matter. He also plays the role of King Prithou, Avatar invested with powers, in addition to being the Supreme Soul in the heart of all beings and to incarnate the impersonal Supreme Being, only aspect of Krishna, God, known to monotheistic religions. Now, of these innumerable entertainments, the most important are those which are related to the activities of the human beings when It sports in Vrindavana, dances with the gopis, entertained with the Pandavas on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, or has fun in Mathura and Dvaraka. Of these, none is more important than those where He appears as a young shepherd playing his flute. Let us understand that a mere partial manifestation of his entertainments in Goloka, Mathura and Dvaraka, can flood the whole universe with love for God. All beings can feel the attraction of the sublime attributes of Krishna.

Although his inner power is not even manifested in the Kingdom of God or on the planets Vaikountha, He makes it play in this universe when, in his inconceivable compassion, He descends from his personal home. Krishna is so fascinating, so wonderful, that He feels Himself the lure of his own beauty; this is the proof of the inconceivable powers which He fully possesses. As for the attires with which He adorns His body, it does not seem that they add to His beauty but rather that they themselves become beautiful because they caress His body. When He adopts the curved posture in three places, He fascinates all beings including celestial beings. In truth, none of Narayane's emanations that reign on the Vaikountha planets can withstand this fascination.

The four Koumaras, Narada, Prithou and Parashouram belong to the second category of Avatars, who are actually distinct beings endowed with powers by the Supreme Being. Shesha and Ananta, for their part, can be cited as examples of direct incarnations of the Lord. When a distinct being is invested with a particular attribute of the Lord, he is called Avesha-Avatar. The Koumaras thus embody the knowledge of the Supreme Lord, and Narada, his devotional service, as does Lord Chaitanya, the Golden Avatar, who, however, is regarded as the full incarnation of devotion. In Brahma was invested the power to create, and in Ananta, that of supporting all the planets. The Avatar Shesha has the power to serve the Supreme Lord, and King Prithou has the power to keep sentient beings alive. Parashouram was similarly endowed with the power to decimate unhealthy elements. When a being seems endowed with an unusual beauty or power, we must conclude that he has received an exceptional favor from the Sovereign Lord.

When He wishes to descend into our universe, (in our galaxy) Krishna first reveals his father and mother, who are his devotees, then He manifests himself in the form of an Avatar or comes Himself in person. All its activities, starting with the killing of the devilish Poutana, unfold in innumerable universes (called galaxies) and this, to infinity. In truth, every moment, every second, its various manifestations and entertainments are revealed in different galaxies. Thus his activities and entertainment are comparable to the waves of the Ganges, which follow one another




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