Getting To Know God
Page 13 of 176

Abandon ourselves to Krishna, serve him with love and devotion, renew the bond which unites us to Him, bind our interests to His own, to unite our desires with His, to obey Him without reservation and immediately, allows us to access spiritual perfection over time and thus to enter the absolute kingdom of God, and to regain our original, natural, spiritual and eternal, our primordial spiritual state

Consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person

To be aware of Krishna is to know him as He really is, to meditate on Him, to act for Him, to pour out your glories, take pleasure in talking about Him, serve Him with love and devotion, and knowing oneself to be his eternal servant and his eternal servant.

The holy being who serves God with love and devotion is on a purely spiritual level. Although he seems to act with his body of dense matter, with his material senses, he always remains aware of his real position, which is to engage in purely spiritual activities. He only uses his senses in order to satisfy the senses of Lord Krishna.

To be aware of Krishna is to know the bond which unites us to Him, the natural, original and eternal position which is our by in relation to Him, and it is to be in close contact with Him, in order to directly understand all his instructions and all his advice.

One can be certain by doing so, to achieve knowledge and perfection of spiritual life. Krishna consciousness is in itself a state of peace, and this condition can only be achieved once the bond between the Lord and us is restored. Anyone who has developed Krishna consciousness is already in the kingdom of God.

The secret of Krishna consciousness is to realize that nothing exists outside of Krishna. Who understands this truth frees himself from all fear and then knows supreme peace.

The best charitable activity.

The greatest benefit that one can bring and offer to humanity is to revive in it the lost consciousness, the consciousness of Krishna, and the ultimate benefit is the love of God.

Spreading the consciousness of Krishna, the consciousness of God, is the best charitable activity, for it allows for bring peace and prosperity among human beings

Thinking of the Lord purifies us and enables us to attain liberation.

The incarnate spiritual being knows the perfection of union and communion with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, his thoughts constantly absorbed in the Lord, when by practice he succeeds in withdrawing his mind from all material activities.

Once the mind is purified it realizes its true identity and tastes the inner joy. In this happy state he enjoys, through his purified senses, an infinite spiritual happiness.




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