Getting To Know God
Page 139 of 176

It resides in the heart of all living beings, human, animal and vegetable, in its form of Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit, and also resides in each atom and in the space that separates them.

Krishna, the original Lord forms an undifferentiated whole since his energies do not differ from him. In him the innumerable universes draw their existence, their creation takes nothing away from its own power. In its fullness it is also present in the heart of each of the scattered atoms in the universe. It has unlimited power and absolute.

In God, the Supreme Person, no beginning, no end, no middle. It belongs to no one, no people, no country in particular.

It has no interior or exterior. The dualities of this material world, like the beginning and the end, my property and that of others, do not exist in his Person. The universe that emanates from Him is another of its aspects. The Supreme Lord is therefore the ultimate Truth, and there is nothing lacking in his greatness.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is also known as Govinda, the Absolute Master. He has a spiritual body, eternal, all of knowledge and happiness. Not having Himself of origin, He is the source of all that exists, the root cause of all causes.

The Lord's existence has no cause, for He Himself is the cause of everything. It is located in everything. But although He manifests himself in all things, He is not all that is. It is simultaneously different and not different from all that exists. Conditioned by matter, we see everything as having a beginning, an end and a medium, but this concept is not valid for God, the Supreme Person. The cosmic manifestation is no different from the universal form of Krishna. The Lord is the Absolute Truth, the greatest, because He is present everywhere and at all times. Nothing is wanting in its absolute size. God is great, and his greatness is inconceivable.

The entire cosmic manifestation is the Body of God, the Supreme Person, the Absolute Truth, whose Names are innumerable and the powers unlimited. He is shining with his own light, He is unborn and immutable. Himself without beginning, He is the beginning of all things.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, has no material form but only spiritual and eternal. When He comes into this material world, He does it in his transcendental form and can in no way be affected by matter. He affects innumerable Forms, in order to give marks of his favor to his devotees and to annihilate the demonic beings. The manifestations of God in this world are so numerous that we compare them to the waves of a river. These waves follow one another without end and it is impossible to count them. In the same way, no one can determine when and how the different manifestations of the Lord appear according to the needs of the moment, the place and the postulants. The Lord constantly appears. Krishna says:




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