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The Lord adds: At the end of an age, when Brahma's lifespan comes to an end, all material creations return to Me, and at the beginning of the next age, when again time is proper to creation, for example through My outer power [the material energy of the Lord], I am creating again.

I want you to know this, I am the source of all that is. I am the seed, that is, the fundamental principle of this world of moving and still entities. I am the substance of matter, the material cause and the efficient spiritual cause.

Nothing is separate from My Person. The entire cosmic manifestation rests in Me, it is not separate from Me. Before creation, I already existed. Never, in any place, under any circumstance, can we be separated, for I am present everywhere. The whole galaxy, by a simple spark of my Person, I penetrate and support it.

I grant faith and refuge to whoever abandons himself to Me and vows to serve Me forever, for such is My nature.

At the end of time, when the final annihilation of the galaxy has occurred, the Lord himself, in the form of Rudra, the destroyer of worlds, annihilates the entire creation, the entire galaxy. The entire creation is the work of God, the Supreme Person, in his form of Brahma. He sustains her in her form of Visnu and destroys her in her form of Rudra or Siva. Creation, support and destruction or end of the world are thus accomplished in due time.

The soul embodied and conditioned by matter and the energy of illusion which, in its lack of insight, considers this temporary world as its permanent home, must understand intelligently, the reason for cycle of repetitive creation and destruction.

Those who cling to the fruits of their deeds in this world, want to create gigantic residences, big companies, enormous industrial powers and other large-scale projects, ignore that they will finally have to give up everything against their will, when death occurs, to start another existence where the same cycle will be repeated.




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