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Prophecies for the age of Kali, the present age, also called the age iron, the dark age or the dark age, the age of discord, hypocrisy, strife, indifference, decay and sin.

Warning from the Lord.

Why when God gives signs to men, such as covid-19, they just do not want to listen to him, follow him and put into practice his word and his teaching?

The Supreme Eternal says: If they will not believe you or be convinced by the first miracle, then this one will convince them. If they do not believe even these two signs and do not listen to your voice, you will take water from the Nile… which will become blood on the dry land.
(Exodus 4.8)

They listen to your words, but do not put them into practice.
(Ezekiel 33.32)

As the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return there without having watered, made the earth fruitful, and caused the plants to germinate, without having given seed to the sower and bread to him who eats, so also is My word, which goes out of My mouth. It does not return to Me without effect, without having carried out My will and accomplished My purposes.
(Isaiah 55: 10-11)

I will punish the world for their wickedness, and the wicked for their iniquities. I will put an end to the pride of the haughty, and I will bring down the arrogance of the tyrants.
(Isaiah: 13.11)

The future is in My hands.
(Isaiah 44.26)

Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world tremble before Him, for He says, and it happens, He commands, and it exists.
(Psalms 33: 8-9)

Disobedience to God, rejection of his laws, his words and his teaching are at the origin of the deterioration and degeneration of human civilization.

The age of kali begins with the killing of terrestrial and aquatic animals in slaughterhouses, fish ponds, aquaculture, on the open sea and elsewhere, and with the consumption of meat, fish and fish. egg. That is why, if we want to avoid the influence of this kali age, this dark age, we have to get rid of these bad habits.

The kali age or the dark age has four poisons.




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