The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Chanting the Holy Names of God purifies our being and awakens our love for Krishna.

Anyone who recognizes the supremacy of God can adopt the practice of chanting the holy names of Krishna, and then see in him the awakening of pure love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré /

Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

This song in Sanskrit means: O Lord, O energy of the Lord, O Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant, allow me to serve you. Krishna and Rama are the Names of God, and Haré is none other than his inner energy, his blissful energy.

Four kinds of devotees are the receptacles of four varieties of love for God which correspond to: the attitude of service, friendship, parental affection and the feeling of love.

Each one of these devotees of Krishna considers the feeling that drives him to be the most perfect. Thus he tastes with Krishna a sublime happiness. However, if we compare the various feelings impartially, it appears that the love feeling surpasses them all by its sweetness.

On Krishnaloka, the supreme planet where Krishna resides permanently and never leaves, no one is inferior or superior in the transcendental relations exchanged with the Lord, since in the absolute kingdom everything is of equal value. Yet, despite the absolute nature of such relationships, there are transcendental differences between them. Thus the purely spiritual relationship based on conjugal love is considered the highest perfection.

For all intents and purposes, sexual relations do not exist in the kingdom of God. There, only feelings are expressed and exchanged in their purity.

We are not of the material universe, but of the spiritual world.

We are all, in truth, spiritual sparks of the same nature as Lord Krishna. We are all born from the radiance that emanates from Krishna’s spiritual body, and as such we are tiny fragments of his Divine Person, integral parts of his Supreme Spiritual Being. We are tiny pieces of Krishna, also called spiritual souls, but He is infinitely great.

Krishna has countless energies, but three major energies are emerging: the internal energy or the energy of Bliss, the external energy or material energy more known in its material form, and the marginal energy to which we all belong.

At the origin of all things, we all lived with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his kingdom, and served him there with tremendous love and devotion. We are all his eternal servants and servants. Our original home is in the spiritual world, on one of the countless spiritual planets.




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