The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 79 of 88

Dominating our passions allows us to develop Krishna consciousness and reach the spiritual level.

If we really want to detach ourselves from matter, it is imperative that we increase our attachment to Krishna consciousness, because renunciation of sense pleasures and materialism alone will be of no avail to us.

It is imperative that we focus our attention on Krishna, with a firm mind, so that nothing further distracts us from this goal. This is the service of pure devotion and without mixture.

We need to cultivate Krishna consciousness in a favorable way, that is, thinking only of Krishna’s satisfaction, and our desire to offer him all the fruits of our actions. We must think of Him in a perfect way, that is, with the compelling desire to please Him, to make him happy, to satisfy him in every respect.

In reality there is no other consciousness, except Krishna consciousness, spiritual consciousness. Thus, even during our time in the material universe, it is enough to intensify our Krishna consciousness to live immediately in the spiritual world.

For example, to live in a temple is to live in the spiritual realm, because of the service we give to Krishna all the time. Many activities are performed there for Krishna. Also, all those who adhere strictly to the principles of Krishna consciousness really live in the spiritual world, not in the material universe, even if they are still there. Their space is no longer material but now spiritual.

This is the power of Krishna consciousness.

Spiritual education helps to cultivate and develop the consciousness of God.

True education is spiritual.

Spiritual education is the basis of God’s science and Lord Krishna’s teaching. It allows us to know that the spiritual soul is different and distinct from the material body. It brings all the answers to questions about God, the spiritual soul that each of us really is, eternal spiritual knowledge, and existential and absolute truth. It diffuses transcendental light and pure divine knowledge of which Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the Supreme Source and Teacher. It brings out the beings who receive it from ignorance and blindness. It is the key that opens the door to the kingdom of God.

Lord Krishna says: “At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, as naturally as it has passed in the previous one, from childhood to youth to old age. This change does not disturb the sober being”.

Unfortunately, this spiritual education is completely absent from today’s civilization. No one knows his true interest, which is that of the spiritual soul that each of us really is, and not that of the material body, which is actually a garment that we have put on.




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