The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 75 of 88

Morality and ethics play an essential and fundamental role in the right attitude and spiritual path of man.

No one can approach Krishna, God, the Supreme Person without purifying himself from all the consequences of his faults. Only those who evolve on the level of pure virtue can approach him, know him, see him face to face and serve him with love and devotion.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Spiritual Being, the ultimate remains, the sovereign purifier. All living beings are beings of a spiritual nature, but Krishna is the Supreme Being in his personal, primordial, infinite and absolute form. He is also the ultimate abode of all things, and the purest among the pure. This is why to approach it necessarily must be perfectly pure, and to this end are required morality and ethics.

It is for this major reason that it is forbidden to have illicit sex, outside marriage, to eat meat, fish and eggs, to consume all kinds of drugs and intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and gambling and gambling.

Who knows how to avoid these four pillars of sin, can remain pure.

Krishna consciousness or God consciousness is based on this morality; anyone who cannot follow the above-mentioned regulating principles will fall from the spiritual plane. Purity thus represents the fundamental principle of the divine consciousness and is essential for the restoration of our eternal relationship with God.

This is why God said, “Be holy as I am holy”.

By adopting Krishna consciousness, one automatically becomes moral.

Morality is the basic principle of purification. One cannot purify oneself unless one knows what is moral from what is not. However, it is essential to distinguish good from evil, hence the regulatory principles mentioned above. By adhering to it, we can access the spiritual plane and transcend the three attributes and modes of influence of the material nature: virtue, passion and ignorance.

Passion is the force that binds us to the material universe. Material nature keeps us prisoners of the material universe through the chains of sexual life, and our desire to dominate nature.

Passion encompasses the lustful desires that, unfulfilled, incite us to anger. All this keeps us prisoner of the material universe.

All evil deeds result from ignorance, from our ignorance of the data relating to God as He really is, from our true identity, from true spiritual knowledge, and from existential and absolute truth.

Ignorance is therefore the cause of our multiple sufferings and the enslavement from which we are victims because of our karma. It is out of ignorance that we commit a large number of guilty acts and get bogged down in the matter.




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