The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 97 of 150

Can one get out of it, alone, without the help of the Lord?

Why does God allow the soul to stray into the material universe?

Must undergo the cycle of successive reincarnations and thus know the tribulations of rebirths, illnesses, old age and repeated deaths which are linked to it, all those who reject God, who contest his authority, who envy him and who have a bodily conception of existence.

The Lord allows the soul that wants to stray to slide down to the lowest point of existence, for the sole purpose of giving it the opportunity to judge for itself whether it can do without God, and yes or no to be happy by misusing one's independence in this way. Most embodied, matter-conditioned souls languishing in the material universe misuse their independence so that they all fall into illusion and suffer life after life. Because all human beings have a corporeal conception of existence of which sense pleasure is the base and concupiscence the major poison, they will suffer endlessly life after life. There can be on earth under these conditions neither peace nor prosperity, but only aggression, violence and war.

The incarnate spiritual being is a tiny fragment, an infinitesimal fragment, an integral part of the divine person of Krishna, and his eternal duty is to serve God with love and devotion. Each of us is, in truth, an eternal spiritual soul.

Knowing this truth allows us to know that without the mercy of the Lord we cannot do anything, nor can we get anything, for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, activates our senses and mind, and as He is the eternal supreme life, He also gave us to have eternal life in us. Without Krishna we are nothing because we are fixed souls. Everything we do we owe to God. Thus, it is because God moves, sees, hears, hums, feels and touches first, that thanks to Him we too can afterwards.

That is why we must love him, obey him, renew the bond of love that unites us to him, link our desires and interests to his own, abandon ourselves to him and take pleasure in serving him with love and devotion, constantly making him happy.

To put the Lord in our mind, to be penetrated by God consciousness, to reason and act as a spiritual entity, to place oneself under the authority of Krishna, the Supreme Person in his Personal, Primordial, Original form, Infinite and Absolute, and loving one another, that will bring peace and harmony on earth.




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