The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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The real trinity.

God, the Supreme Person, in his primordial form is the source of the other two forms of Him. In his second aspect He is called the Impersonal Spiritual Being, formed by his radiance, and source of bliss. It is the only aspect of God known to believers on earth. And in its third aspect, it is known as the Supreme Spiritual Soul which Jesus called the Holy Spirit, which resides in the heart of all living beings, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants. This is why Jesus said that the bodies of matter in which spiritual souls are incarnated are temples of the Supreme Lord.

God, the Supreme Eternal has an infinite number of Names among which: El Shaddaï, El Elohé, Adonaï, Yahvé, Jehovah, Awoon which means “Eternal Father” in Aramaic, Allah, Krishna, etc., but Krishna is the first of them and the mightiest of all, for the Lord hath empowered him.

Krishna is the original Name of God, the Supreme Person, in his personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute spiritual form. This sublime spiritual Name, Krishna, means “the infinitely fascinating”, “the one who infinitely fascinates”. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is goodness personified.

He is the original source of all the plenary emanations of his Person, and of all the Avatars.

It is Krishna, God, the Supreme Sovereign Person, who reigns and directs the material universe as well as the spiritual world.

When spirituality declines somewhere in the universe, Lord Krishna Himself comes at regular intervals, and descends on a specific planet in a given galaxy, in order to protect his devotees and holy beings, annihilate demonic disbelievers, eliminate evil kings, who martyr and cause suffering to his devotees and holy beings, and to restore spirituality. But he also sends his intimate companions, his sons or messengers, who descend from his kingdom with the mission of spreading the knowledge of his divine person, and spreading his sublime teaching throughout the earth, in order to save men and lead them towards God.




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