The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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God, the Supreme Person with an infinite number of Names, and the best known on earth are: I am the One, God, the Eternal, Yahweh, Jehovah, Awoon, Allah, Krishna, but Krishna is the first of them and the most powerful of all, for the Supreme Sovereign Lord has given him power. Krishna is the original Name of God in its original form. This sublime spiritual name means “the infinitely fascinating”, “the one who fascinates infinitely”. It is enough to pronounce this sublime Holy Name “KRISHNA” without offending (without any ulterior thoughts, without thinking of anything else, without showing any disrespect to God Himself or His Holy Name), to see all our sins disappear instantly.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, in his personal form, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute. He is the original source of all blessings, and his Divine Spiritual Body is all of Knowledge, Bliss and Eternity.

The evolutionary cycle of species.

Spiritual beings, also called spiritual souls, incarnate in various material bodies, but all of them are foreign to them. According to the form of enjoyment they covet and the cycle of evolution of the species, they transmigrate, reincarnate, from one body to another, passing from aquatic forms to vegetable forms, from plants to reptiles, from reptiles to birds, from birds to land mammals, eventually getting the human form, which is rarely achieved.

Conversely, who dies under the influence of virtue, reincarnates into a celestial being, on a paradisiacal planet.

Who dies under the influence of passion, is reincarnated as a human being.

Who dies under the influence of ignorance, is reincarnated as an animal.

By singing or reciting the hymn Haré Krishna of the Holy Names of God, we will be delivered from all the difficulties of this material world.

The song of the Holy Names of the Lord is the universal religious principle par excellence, perfectly adapted to the present age. There is no religion more sublime for this age than this hymn of the Holy Names, Haré Krishna.

The song of the Holy Names of the Lord is the universal religious principle par excellence, perfectly adapted to the present age, the black age or the dark age, that of discord, quarrels, hypocrisy, indifference, decadence and sin. It is also the age of forgetting God.




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