The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 75 of 150

Jesus was a vegetarian, he practiced spiritual vegetarianism, that is: not eating meat, fish and eggs.

He always taught by example.

He taught the science of God the Eternal Father, pure spiritual science, we have a small example of this in the Gospel of Thomas, but also spiritual vegetarianism, explaining why one had to be a vegetarian, because it was a question of protecting all animals without exception and above all not to harm them, as the Eternal Father has commanded.

Thus, at the beginning of his Magisterium, Jesus insisted on choosing for disciples persons who accepted this pure way of life. To be sure, all were hitherto inveterate meat, fish and egg eaters, but convinced by Jesus' teaching, all purified their lives by becoming and in turn practicing spiritual vegetarianism.

Jesus had asked the disciples and the apostles to spread his teaching throughout the whole world, in order to bring men out of blindness, ignorance and darkness and lead them to God the Father. Thus, all the disciples and the apostles went throughout the Near East, others went to India, Italy, Spain and even France.

Also, in order to allow the existence of this new religion, “the Christian religion”, the first fathers of the church went to see the emperor Constantine, in order to obtain his official authorization. But the latter, anxious not to disturb his people, asked them to modify the tenor of Jesus' teaching, in order to be in tune with the pagan religion in force at that time.

As worthy disciples of Jesus, the early church fathers should have refused this iniquitous request. But alas no, they accepted, and constituted a group of scholars, of priests, in order to recast, that is to say to alter, to change into evil, to falsify, to deform, to suppress, to modify vast swathes of Jesus' teaching and words, and to add words that Jesus had never said.

One of these corrections or recasting took place at the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 AD. At this Council, several contemporary scholars assert, priests have completely modified, by omission or extrapolation, the original Christian documents. The purpose of these modifications, deletions and additions was to make these “Scriptures” acceptable to the emperor Constantine. The latter was far from being vegetarian, as historians have reported that he poured liquid lead down the throat of vegetarian Christians whom he captured.




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