The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 73 of 150

Human life is destined to achieve spiritual realization.

It is made so that we may learn to love God, to obey Him, to do His will, to renew the bond that unites us to Him, to rekindle our spiritual conscience, to unite our desires and our interests with His own, to walk beside Him, to abandon ourselves to Him, and to serve Him with love and devotion. The ultimate goal of existence is to find God in his absolute kingdom.

God gives to the one who does not have, and to the one who has an evil spirit, He takes everything back.

True wealth is not material, but spiritual, and the latter never disappears. In truth, it is not the interest of the body that must be sought, but it is that of the soul that each of us is.

Poverty actually has two aspects. It has two origins and two purposes.

The first aspect results from the sinful acts committed in his previous life. Depending on the extent of his sinful deeds, the spiritual being will reincarnate into a poor family, and whatever he does, he will remain poor while suffering the effects of suffering. The purpose of this state is to lead the incarnated being to change his behavior, to detach himself from materialism, to become virtuous and to bring him to turn towards God, with a view to his accession to the liberation of matter in which he is held prisoner.

The second aspect of poverty is God’s mercy towards a being who navigates between materialism and spirituality. The Supreme Lord thus wants to show his special favor to his devotee, and deprives him of all the material goods he loves. He thus forces the virtuous being into a material situation that leaves him no choice but to turn to him, so that he develops spirituality, purifies its spiritual essence, attains spiritual realization, God’s consciousness, abandons himself to him, serves him with love and devotion, and leaves this world of suffering for his eternal kingdom.




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