The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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God is not, in truth, an impersonal, i.e. formless, Supreme Spiritual Being, as the impersonalistic liars claim.

God, the Supreme Person, in his personal, primordial, original, infinite, absolute and eternal form, is not an Impersonal, formless Supreme Spiritual Being, as claimed by those who live in ignorance of the Absolute Truth, and Krishna is his original Name, the first of all, because He inverted him with power. Krishna means: “The infinitely fascinating”, “The infinitely fascinating”.

Five hundred years ago (500 years), replying to the impersonal definition of God enunciated by Bhattacarya, the master of an impersonal movement, Lord Chaitanya who was Krishna Himself, who came to teach by example, pretending to be a pure devotee of his Person said:

“Each living being is a distinct person, and is an integral part of the Supreme Whole, of which it represents a simple fragment. If the pieces of the Whole are personal and individual, how can their source, from which they emanate and to which they belong, this same source be impersonal?

The Whole is, in truth, the Supreme and Absolute Person, Sovereign among the relative beings”.

Each of us is, in truth, a spiritual spark, also called spiritual atom, spiritual soul, spiritual entity. We are born, as spiritual souls, from the dazzling spiritual radiance which emanates from the divine spiritual body of Krishna, God, which envelops and covers him entirely, which leads impersonalists to say that God is a Spiritual Being without form.

We are a tiny fragment of God, a tiny fragment of his Person. But if, as Lord Chaitanya says, we are distinct, individual beings and we do have a form, then it is quite natural to note that God, of whom we are components and emanations of his Person, is Himself a Person too. having a shape.

In truth, God, Krishna, has a divine and supreme spiritual body, the form of which is that which he gave to man.

It is written: God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Genesis 1.26)

“God created man in his image, He created him in the image of God.” (Genesis 1.27)




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