The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 123 of 150

The Eternal Supreme said, “He who is not affected by joy or sorrow, who in all circumstances remains serene and resolute, is worthy of liberation (of salvation)”.

Whoever, firmly determined to realize his spiritual self, manages to tolerate the assaults of unhappiness as well as happiness, is ready to attain liberation. There is no obstacle that stops the being really eager to make his life perfect. We can make our life perfect by learning to tolerate the difficulties of this life and in the next by returning to a world where there is no suffering, I named the spiritual world.

God had said: “Whether you wash yourself with nitre or use a lot of potash, your iniquity will remain marked before Me”.

He who does evil, in whatever form, suffers the perverse effects of his own sinful acts, which he keeps inscribed in his spiritual essence, like a stain, the resultant trace of his wickedness.

It is not by enumerating one's sins to the priests, by immersing oneself in so-called “sacred” water, by making libations or by going to a holy place of pilgrimage without seeking to meet the sages there, that our faults or sins will be erased. This is false, for those who say this are liars.

There is only one way to wash away our sins and stay pure, that is to renounce materialism, sense pleasures, selfish deeds, the fruits of our deeds, to act only for Krishna , God, the Supreme Person, and to offer everything to Him.

It is also essential that we abandon ourselves completely to God, that we reject evil in all its forms, that we take the firm resolution to obey the Lord, to do his divine will, and to serve him with love and devotion, then our sufferings and our sins will disappear.

Let us act for God, let us be his eternal servants and servants, let us find our original spiritual position, offer to the Lord all our actions and all the fruits that flow from them, as well as our existence and our very lives, then we will live in purity, because our thoughts , words and actions will no longer generate effects. Lord Krishna will then offer us true freedom, absolute peace and true permanent and endless happiness.




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