The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 120 of 150

The living or incarnate spiritual being is eternal, but when he somehow comes in contact with material energy, he has to endure the cycle of birth, illness, old age and death. There is no hospital on earth to treat and cure the material disease of the spirit soul. However, the only effective remedy to cure and heal the human being from birth, disease, old age and death is the chanting of the Holy Names of God, Hare Krishna, and as a diet, spiritual vegetarianism, or vegetarian meal offered beforehand to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, i.e. without meat, fish and eggs.

Chanting the Holy Names of God frees us from the disease of material existence.

In truth, every incarnated soul has the duty to seek to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute form, source of all the plenary emanations of his Divine Person, also called Avatars, of to lend an attentive ear to all that relates to God, in order to glorify him and to meditate on him. All the qualities, excellences, attributes and glories that He fully possesses make Him the most fascinating Person there is. Who wants to be freed from the imprisonment in the matter in which he finds himself, must sincerely seek Lord Krishna, inquire of Him by relevant questions, so that the Supreme Being is inclined to grant us the perfect freedom.

By his plenary emanation, God, Krishna, dwells in the heart of each of us as Supreme Soul and thus accompanies all individual souls distinct from Him, because they are all united to Him by an intimate relationship.

However, the forgetting of this eternal relationship is at the origin of the conditioning in matter to which they have been subject since time immemorial. Because He is also the Sovereign Being, He can respond immediately to the sincere call of his devotee or devotee.Moreover, in his perfect Being, his beauty, wealth, power, knowledge and self-denial are as many inexhaustible sources of spiritual bliss for the distinct soul as each of us is. The latter suffers the charm of all these wonderful attributes, and when they appear imperfectly in other conditioned souls, it is not satisfied by these imperfect reflections and therefore perpetually seeks this Perfect and Sublime Being.

Nothing is comparable to Krishna’s beauty, knowledge or renunciation, but He is above all the Supreme Master. It is because we have disobeyed his law that we are now prisoners of the material universe.

But the Lord, known as Hari, is able to put an end to this conditioned existence by granting us the full freedom of spiritual life. It is therefore the duty of every man to inquire of Him through relevant questions, and thus to regain the infinite and absolute kingdom of Krishna, all knowledge, bliss and eternity.




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