The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 115 of 150

Every man of faith must first seek the company of qualified beings from whom he can hear about God, and thus be enlightened. Whoever accepts a spiritual master can learn to distinguish the spiritual from the material, which is a springboard to deeper realization. He gives his disciple instructions that will allow him to free himself from any material conception of life.

The body is made of matter. It can be analyzed, broken down into twenty-four elements. It constitutes the gross manifestation, “coarse”. The subtle, ethereal manifestation, for its part, consists of the mind and psychological factors. And the interaction of these various factors forms the signs of life. But above all this is the individual soul, what each of us is, and then the Supreme Soul, distinct from each other. The whole material universe is moved by the conjunction of the soul and the twenty-four material elements. And he who can see that the entire material manifestation is formed by such a combination, who can also see the position of the Supreme Soul, becomes fit to be transferred into the spiritual world.

To have spiritual vision.

To have spiritual vision is to reach the spiritual level, and when we perceive the spiritual soul in each of us, in all material bodies, human, animal and vegetable, then we reach equality.

Whatever the material bodies, whatever the forms and colors that characterize them, the spiritual beings residing in them are all equal.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, says that through spiritual vision we can perceive the great scholar, the cow, the elephant, the ant, or the homeless person as equal, for it is not the body that we have to see, but the soul that resides in these different bodies. It is not the interest of the body that we have to seek, but that of the soul.

The Supreme Lord tells us that he who possesses spiritual vision sees all beings with one eye. Therefore, in order to progress on the path of spiritual realization, we must establish that there is absolutely no difference between ourselves and others. We are all eternal servants and eternal handmaidens of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

However, in the material universe, if a bodily difference exists between men and women, despite this difference, when the man and the woman live in relation with Krishna, each must say: “I am a spiritual soul and my duty is to serve God. They then become equal”.

There is no doubt that we are all equal because we are all eternal spiritual souls. In every material body there is a spiritual soul. It is essential to know this point before anything else. Then, cultivating the knowledge and understanding of the spiritual soul, we will feel equal and this problem will naturally disappear. Everyone will live in peace. This is what we want and we insist on this point. If we establish an artificial equality, it will not produce the slightest benefit. On the other hand, if we understand that at the spiritual level we are all equal, it will be beneficial. It will bring peace and happiness all over the world.




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