Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 482 of 624

They still do not know that God, by his various energies which penetrate all the elements of matter in the material universe, controls everything. Nothing can do, happen, take place, without His having decided beforehand. Everything is subject to his sanction, to his consent.

Surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, such is the perfection of existence.

Logos 461

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We are all eternal servants or eternal handmaidens of God, this is what we were created for.

The Lord said: When you know the truth, you will understand that all beings are an integral part of Me, that they live in Me, and belong to Me.

By receiving knowledge from the lips of a being aware of his spiritual identity and the true value of things, man can understand that all beings are part integral with God, Krishna, the Supreme Person. The illusion of being independent from Krishna is called maya. Some believe that beings have no connection with God, but they are mistaken.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, He is the original cause of all causes. It is from Him that innumerable Avatars emanate, as well as all living beings.

In truth, although we are separate beings from Krishna, we are still his integral parts, minute fragments of his Person. The bodily differences that we know in living beings are also maya, illusions, deceptive. All of us, without exception, are made for the same purpose, to serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Only the influence of maya can make us believe that material and ephemeral ties with our family are more important than spiritual ties. and eternal with Krishna. The living being, Krishna's eternal servant, cannot be separated from God, and his sense of existing outside of the Lord is maya, pure illusion. The individual spiritual being distinct from God has, as an integral part of the Supreme Lord, a specific duty to fulfill towards Him, that of serving Him with love and devotion. Let him forget it, and he is forced to inhabit, for endless times, the bodies of man, animal, plant or celestial being. All these bodies originate from forgetting the devotional service offered to the Lord.

However, this veil of illusion can be suddenly removed, if one serves the Lord with love and devotion, in the Krishna consciousness or God consciousness.

pure knowledge is knowing that Krishna, the Supreme Soul, is the ultimate refuge of all beings. But that they immediately find themselves outside this shelter, they fall




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