Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 481 of 624

Logos 460

Goto table of logos

If we want to follow the way of wisdom, then:

-  Let us reject anger, and replace it with calmness and self-control.

-  Let us reject wickedness, and replace it with goodness.

-  Let us reject hatred, and replace - it with love.

-  Reject greed, and replace it with sharing.

-  Reject grudge, and replace it with forgiveness.

-  Reject all that causes chaining to matter; passions and pleasures of the senses. Murder, theft, sensuality, illicit sexuality [outside marriage], lies, slander, offensive and hurtful words, criticism focused only on denial and degradation, lust, envy, desire, wickedness in all its forms, and false teaching [Denying the existence of God, altering his word and teaching, denying the law of cause and effect, denying that life continues after the death of the material body, denying that God alone with the power to free the fallen souls that we are].

-  Let us move away from demonic people, those who lead us down the path of perdition and the darkness of ignorance, by forcing us to perform abortion and euthanasia, two heinous crimes, which drag the soul into the continual suffering it will undergo in one, or even several future lives.

The ideal attitude, the right behavior.

When the virtuous being said: I believe in the God of love and in his almighty power he heals will protect me from the wicked, will support me so that I do not fall, will guide me if I get lost, will erase my sins, advise me so that I can walk without failing on the right path, that of good, and will free me from this world of perdition and suffering is good.

But listen to him, obey him, do what he says, apply his laws, his commandments, his directives, and with the weapons of his knowledge, to renew the bond that we have broken with Him, to know what to do, how to behave, in order to remain on the way to act for Him and for our salvation, to love all living beings, humans, animals and plants and not to do harm to any of them is much better.

Men still do not know who God is, how He really is, or the extent of His power. If God opens, who will be able to close, and if He closes, who will be able to open?




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