Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 286 of 624

Logos 348

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Pure love for God is the ultimate goal of existence.

Our thoughts and desires at the moment of death are mainly determined by the sum of the desires, thoughts, words and deeds of our entire life. It is our current actions, our desires and our present state of mind that decide our future condition. Thus, spiritually absorbed in the service of Krishna during our present life, we will have by leaving our present carnal envelope a spiritual body, and no longer a material one.

Fredding the song of the Holy Names of Krishna:

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare.

This sublime song in Sanskrit means: O Lord, ô energy of the Lord, let me serve you.

The song of the Holy Names of Krishna, is the best way to reach the absolute existence. The ultimate good is love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. The ultimate goal and the supreme fruit of chanting or reciting the Hare Krishna hymn is to fully realize who God is, and to develop pure love for Him.

The more our consciousness is purified by the chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna, the more our constant spiritual progress will be reflected in our conduct. As soon as the sun rises on the horizon, an ever-increasing heat and light accompany it. Likewise, as the realization of the Holy Name of Krishna awakens in our hearts, this growing spiritual awareness manifests in all facets of our personality.

Finally, the bond of eternal love that unites God and being alive is restored.

Before descending into the material universe, each soul enjoyed a unique spiritual relationship with the Lord. This bond of love surpasses a thousand times in its intensity, any material love.

Pure love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person exists from all eternity in the hearts of all beings. We do not have to draw it from elsewhere than from ourselves. And when the heart is purified by the chanting of the Holy Names and listening to the glories of the Supreme Lord, then the being awakens naturally.

Our natural and eternal condition in the spiritual world allows us to live in the presence intimate with God and to serve him with love and devotion. The pure devotee who feel such spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord, Krishna, bathe in transcendent ecstasy.




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