Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 284 of 624

These righteous holy beings always treat all living beings, humans, animals, and plants, on an equal footing and do not differentiate between them, between the upper social classes or lower. They consider every living being to be a spiritual soul, an integral part of the Supreme Lord. When they look at a living being, human, animal or plant, it is not the envelope of matter that they see, but the spiritual soul which is inside these different bodies and alongside which God stands. in its form of Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit. Therefore, they are qualified to seek Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Understanding that the Lord is the best friend of all living beings, they themselves act as friends of all, in the name of the Supreme Lord. They do not establish any difference between this or that human being, this or that nation, this or that community, this or that living being, human, animal or plant.

Such is the pure vision, the right attitude and the perfect expression of love.

These are some of the qualities of a holy being.

A holy being able to enter the kingdom of God, is very tolerant and kind towards all living beings, celestial, humans, animals and plants. He is impartial, and grants his benevolence to human beings, as well as to animals and plants. He is not going to commit the stupidity of killing an animal to feed a man, or destroying or even burning trees only to cultivate new crops and thus expand his land. The destroyer forgets that by doing this he assassinates many living beings who live among trees, at ground level or underground. He shows kindness to all living things and has no enemies. It is calm and peaceful. These are the qualities of those who have access to the kingdom of God. By cultivating these qualities, the human being gradually progresses towards liberation, until he attains the kingdom of God.

The perfect knowledge which leads to God.

He whose intelligence and mind, refuge and faith are in God, sees pure knowledge ridding him of all doubts. He then advances with a firm step on the path of liberation, of salvation.

He whose thoughts, intelligence and faith remain fixed on God, taking total refuge in Him, is freed from doubt and has a perfect knowledge of all that has to do with the absolute, God. He knows that he is both ONE with the Lord and distinct from Him. Armed with this spiritual knowledge, he progresses with certainty on the path to liberation.

It is in the consciousness of God that knowledge and peace reach their peak. The man of faith bathed in absolute knowledge and master of his senses, knows the highest spiritual peace.

He whose actions are imbued with devotion, the pure soul, master of his senses and of his mind, is dear to all, and all are dear to him. Although still active, he never falls




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