Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 283 of 624

I want to see happy all the beings of this world.

He who knows the Absolute of My Advent and of My Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter into My eternal kingdom.

Whoever, at the hour of death, leaves his body, remembering Me alone, immediately attains My kingdom, do not doubt it.

To those who always serve Me and adore Me with love and devotion, I give intelligence through which they can come to Me.

For whom adores Me, abandons Me all his acts and dedicates himself to Me without sharing, absorbed in the service of devotion and constantly meditating on Me, for this one I am the liberator, who will soon snatch him from the ocean of deaths and rebirths.

Logos 347

Goto table of logos

This is how a righteous being behaves

God treats all living beings, heavenly beings, humans, animals and plants in the same way, no matter what form they are body, their material envelope, and their color. He neither favors nor privileges anyone, for He gives everyone the same and everyone He offers the same benefits.

The humble sage, enlightened by pure knowledge, sees with an equal eye the noble virtuous, the human being, the cow, the elephant, the ant and the plant. The just noble rejects the caste system, and establishes segregation neither between communities, races, nor between living species, human, animal, plant. He does not differentiate between whites, blacks, reds, yellows and mestizos, for he does not see the bodily form, but the spiritual entity, the soul, which is there. Knowing that God is present in the heart of all living beings in the form of the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, the righteous man, the sage, sees each of them in relation to the Supreme Eternal, Krishna. One calls realized soul, the being to whom spiritual knowledge and the realization of this knowledge give fullness. He has reached the spiritual level and has self-control.

With an equal eye he sees the gold, the pebble and the clod of earth. Higher still, he who sees with equal eyes the indifferent, the benefactor and the envious, the friend and the enemy, the righteous and the sinner.

This is how the children of God behave, and all those who are spiritually highly evolved.




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