Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 171 of 624

Logos 175

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “Although the soul is transcendent to material existence, its existence in this world is pursues endlessly because of his spirit of domination over nature. As in a dream, it experiences all kinds of inconveniences”.

In truth, the soul has nothing to do with material nature, but because of its domineering mentality, it exposes itself to know the conditions of material existence. As long as the being continues to believe that he can enjoy the benefits offered by matter, he remains conditioned; but that he finds his senses and he immediately understands that the world is not made for his pleasure, because the Sovereign Lord is the one and only beneficiary of all that exists.

The Eternal Supreme is the beneficiary of the fruits of all sacrifices and of all austerities, He lord of the three worlds; and he is still the true friend of all beings. But rather than leaving these prerogatives to God, the Supreme Person, we imagine that everything belongs to us and exists for our pleasure, and that we are the benefactors of all. In this spirit, taking ourselves for the friends of humanity, we do philanthropic works. One can thus claim to act for the greater good of the nation, and to be the best friend of the country and its people, but in reality, no one can be the greatest friend of all beings, except God, their only friend. Rather, we must seek to raise the level of consciousness of conditioned souls to bring them to understand that God is their true friend. Indeed, the one who befriends God will never be deceived, and he will always obtain all the necessary help.

Awakening the conscience of beings is the greatest service that we can render them.

Logos 176

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “The soul incarnated and conditioned in this world transmigrates through different species, sometimes superior, sometimes inferior, by the very fact of its contact with the attributes of material nature. Unless she is freed from her material occupations, she must accept this position because of her sinful acts”.

In this world, any good or bad deed must be held to be defiled or faulty, because of his link with matter. The conditioned being, deprived of reason, believes that he is engaged in charitable action by opening for the material good of others hospitals or educational establishments providing material instruction, but he is unaware that such enterprises are also faulty, because they will not allow him to escape the phenomenon of transmigration.

The alleged acts of virtue performed in the material universe can allow their author to be reborn in a noble family or on the higher planets, among the heavenly beings,




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