Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 175 of 624

of all beings. The perfect servant (the perfect servant) has no personal desire; he acts in such and such a way simply because God desires it. He does not pursue any personal motive. The holy being who ranks among the most intimate servants of the Lord never does anything for himself, but seeks in all his actions the sole satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. He must be recognized as the highest of all men.

Because the Lord is present in each living creature, the holy being sees the body of each being as a temple of the Lord, and since he offers his respect to such temples in all knowingly, he also honors each being in relationship with the Lord. This is the perfect attitude.

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Man is indeed a trilogy. It is made up of a material body, an ethereal body and its actual spiritual soul SELF.

The ethereal body is made up of the mind, intelligence, false ego and defiled consciousness, so that the material body has five elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether). However, whoever obtains to regain the spiritual world abandons these two forms of body specific to the material universe. He returns there in his pure spiritual body, and there is assigned a fixed place of residence on one of the spiritual planets.

As for the impersonalist, (the one who ignores that God has a spiritual body whose primordial and original form is identical to that of man. He sees in God an Impersonal Spiritual Being, without form, such as the Jews, Christians and Muslims) although he also goes to the spiritual world after letting go of his coarse and ethereal material envelopes, he cannot dwell on a spiritual planet; as he wished, it is given to him to merge into the spiritual radiance emanating from the absolute Body of the Lord.

The living being indeed reaches the destination which he has prepared to reach. This is how the light of the Impersonal Spiritual Being is offered to the impersonalists; as for those who desire to live in the company of God, the Supreme Person, in his transcendent form of the Sovereign Lord on the spiritual planets, or in his form of Krishna the Supreme Eternal on his Sovereign Personal Planet, Krishnaloka, they join these abodes., from which they never return again in the material universe.

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The holy being is one who works to serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion, who respects and applies his divine laws, who applies his directives to the letter, who does his own will and who unites his interests with those of God.




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